Contributing to the WIKI
The webpage is build with Jekyll (using liquid syntax). The content is written in markdown - using some liquid syntax. To contribute and edit pages, you actually only need to know markdown. The basic markdown syntax is well described here.
Edit pages
You can edit pages directly on github by clicking on the edit button on the top right corner of the page.
A better strategy is to clone the repository to your local computer and edit the files there. You can then push the changes to the master branch on github and they will be automatically deployed to the webpage.
Adding new guide pages
To add a new guide, simply create a new
layout: page
title: Guide title
and follow it with your markdown content.
Building Local - Install Jekyll
If you want to build and test changes to the WIKI locally, you need an installation of Jekyll
General instruction:
One you have everything installed you can call:
bundle exec jekyll serve
and paste the URL into your web-browser. Everytime you save a change to the files in the WIKI, the website will automatically update!
Tips for installing on MacOSX
First, make sure you have the developer commandline tools installed (gcc, g++, git). If not, you do not need the full 40GB of Xcode, just follow these instructions to get the command-line tools only:
On my mac, following the Jekyll instructions above and use
ruby-install ruby 3.1.3
Failed, so I installed ruby with brew
brew install ruby
And added to .zshrc
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"
After restarting the terminal, I could install bundler and jekyll with
gem install jekyll
bundle install
Read more
A good guide to Jekyll is here:
And an introduction to liquid syntax here: