Preprocessing fMRI data
Required packages, software installations
- Matlab DataFrame toolbox
- SPM12
A participants.tsv
file must be created for every fMRI project. This file must be stored in the main directory of the project (baseDir
in the template_imana.m
). It includes some general information about subjects such as subj_id, sex, age, etc., and some project-specific information such as num_sessions, num_run, num_TR, etc. Check out the example participants.tsv
in the spmj_tools repository. Be careful when using office softwares for editing and saving the participants.tsv
for your own projects. Sometimes softwares such as Ubuntu’s LibreOffice changes the format of the .tsv file and it cannot be loaded using the dload()
function from dataframe toolbox. I personally have used MS Office and it works fine. Alternatively, create the .tsv files using Pandas in Python or dsave()
function in dataframe toolbox.
Anatomical pipeline (pre-freesurfer)
The code snippets are from the template_imana.m
on spmj_tools repository.
- Move from BIDS
- Unzip, move and rename T1 anatomical from
- Unzip, move and rename T1 anatomical from
template_imana('BIDS:move_unzip_raw_anat', 'sn', subj_number)
- Reslice LPI
- Reslice anatomical image within LPI coordinate systems. LPI stands for Left, Posterior, Inferior which means coordinates increase when you go from Left to Right, Posterior to Anterior, and Inferior to Superior in the anatomical image.
template_imana('ANAT:reslice_LPI', 'sn', subj_number)
- Center AC
- Set AC (Anterior Commissure) in T1 anatomicals as [0,0,0] in the anatomical image coordinates. Here is a nice guide to locate AC in the anatomical image.
- Open the Anatomical image in fsleyes (or similar apps)
- Find the Anterior Commissure by moving around the slices
- Put the center of the red cursor (in fsleyes) on AC
- Read the slice indices in voxel coordinates (X,Y,Z)
- Insert the X,Y,Z indices (in voxel coordinates) in the
. The defaultparticipants.tsv
(found on spmj_tools) has three columns named locACx, locACy, and locACz where you should insert the values.
template_imana('ANAT:centre_AC', 'sn', subj_number)
- Segmentation and Normalization
- Run the SPM12 batch script for segmentation and normalization.
template_imana('ANAT:segmentation', 'sn', subj_number)
- Results in 5 .nii files starting with c1, c2, …, c5. These are masks separating the anatomical image into 5 different segments such as grey matter, white matter, skull, etc.
- T2 (optional)
- Unzip, move and rename T2 anatomical from
- Coregister T2 to T1
- Unzip, move and rename T2 anatomical from
Do not change the anatomical image afterwards, as it defines the individual subject space.
Functional pipeline:
The code snippets are from the template_imana.m
on spmj_tools repository.
- Move from BIDS
- (Optional) Unzip, move and rename fmap phase and magnitude from
> tofieldmaps/subj_id/sess<sess number>/<subj_id>_magnitude.nii
- Unzip, move and rename functional runs from
- (Optional) Unzip, move and rename fmap phase and magnitude from
template_imana('BIDS:move_unzip_raw_fmap', 'sn', subj_number)
template_imana('BIDS:move_unzip_raw_func', 'sn', subj_number)
- (Optional) Make VDM fieldmaps
- In some projects you may use fieldmaps to unwarp your functional images. Fieldmaps can quantify the deformations caused by inhomogeneities of the magnetic field. When the subject’s head is placed inside the scanner bore, the magnetic field of the scanner will get bent. The amount of bending is different in different locations in the brain (e.g. the bending is higher in hippocampus). Using fieldmaps and unwarping we could correct some of the deformations. The Siemens FieldMap sequence (used in CFMM), produces two magnitude images (
), and a subtracted phase image (phasediff.nii
). SPM uses thephasediff.nii
and the shorter TE magnitude image (magnitude1.nii
) to generate a voxel displacement map (VDM) for each functional run. Then in the realign & unwarp process, it uses these VDMs to correct the deformations.
- In some projects you may use fieldmaps to unwarp your functional images. Fieldmaps can quantify the deformations caused by inhomogeneities of the magnetic field. When the subject’s head is placed inside the scanner bore, the magnetic field of the scanner will get bent. The amount of bending is different in different locations in the brain (e.g. the bending is higher in hippocampus). Using fieldmaps and unwarping we could correct some of the deformations. The Siemens FieldMap sequence (used in CFMM), produces two magnitude images (
template_imana('FUNC:make_fmap', 'sn', subj_number)
Why do you use unwarping to correct the deformations? When subjects move during data acquisition, the interaction of the magnetic distortions and subject’s movements introduces an unwanted variance (noise) to the BOLD signal. The realign & unwarp process, removes partially this unwanted variance.
Disadvantages: Unwarping removes some of the true variance from BOLD signals. If the reduction of the unwanted variance is low, unwarping will do us no good. For instance, when there is little movement in our data (<1mm <1deg), we may avoid this step. On the other hand, when focusing on particularly susceptible areas such as Frontal pole, Orbito-frontal cortext, Medial temporal lobe (especially hippocampus), unwarping can dramatically reduce the unwanted variance.
3. Realignment (& Unwarping)
- Run the SPM12
) script for motion correction. Realign process runs a rigid transformation (3 x,y,z translation parameters and 3 rotation parameters; overall 6 params) for every single functional volume to a reference image. This reference image is by default the 1st volume in the first run of the session. Alternatively in SPM, you can choose to first align to the 1st volume of the first run and then align everything to the mean volume of all runs.
template_imana('FUNC:realign_unwarp', 'sn', subj_number,
'rtm', reference_image_option)
template_imana('FUNC:realign', 'sn', subj_number, ...
'rtm', reference_image_option)
- ‘rtm’ option: rtm is short for register to mean. If this option is set as 0, SPM aligns all the volumes in a session to the 1st volume of the first run. If set as 1, SPM first aligns to the first volume and then aligns to mean of all volumes of all runs.
4. Move Realigned Images
- move the realigned (& unwarped) images from
template_imana('FUNC:move_realigned_images', 'sn', subj_number, ...
'rtm', reference_image_option, ...
'prefix', prefix_for_functional_files)
- ‘prefix’ option: SPM tends to add prefix to file names after running specific processes. Here if you run
on the raw functional images, it will addr
as a prefix for the realigned file. If you runspm_realign_unwarp()
SPM will addu
as the prefix denoting the files are unwarped and realigned. Depending on what you used in step 3, you should set the proper prefix.
5. OPTIONAL: Mean Image Bias Correction
- In step 3 we did realign (& unwarp) process on the functional images of each session. Realign (& unwarp) produces a mean image based on rtm (refer to step 3) based on the option you use. We will use this mean image as a reference to register our functional images to the anatomical image. But to improve the coregistration step, we first to a mean bias correction to this mean image.
- This step results in a new mean image file with prefix
denoting bias corrected image.
template_imana('FUNC:meanimage_bias_correction', 'sn', subj_number, ...
'rtm', reference_image_option, ...
'prefix', prefix_for_functional_files)
6. Co-registration of Functional To Anatomical images
The goal here is to register the functional images to the anatomical images within each subject. All your functional data will be aligned to the anatomical brain regions, so you know what area you are looking at. Depending on the project aims, the coregistration needs to be optimized and checked especially for areas of interest (neocortical areas, layer-specific, cerebellum, etc.)
If the functional images of different sessions (step 3,4) are not all aigned and resliced to the same mean image, the co-registration needs to we done for each session separately. This effectively aligns all functional data to each other. Note, however, that you will not be able run a GLM across both sessions (or do simple voxel-space analyses across sessions), the the functional data will be still be in different voxel space.
To get a good co-registration, you can alternate between manual and automatic registration:
- Manually registration (and check)::
- Open fsleyes
- Add anatomical image and bmean.nii (bias corrected mean) image to overlay
- click on the bias corrected mean image in the ‘Overlay list’ in the bottom left of the fsleyes window. list to highlight it.
- Open tools -> Nudge
- Manually adjust bmean.nii image to the anatomical by changing the 6 parameters (translation xyz and rotation xyz). Do not change the scales!
- When done, click apply and close the tool tab. Then to save the changes, click on the save icon next to the mean image name in the ‘Overlay list’ and save the new image by adding ‘r’ in the beginning of the name: rbmean.nii. If you don’t set the format to be .nii, fsleyes automatically saves it as a .nii.gz so either set it or gunzip afterwards to make it compatible with SPM.
- Automatic registration:
template_imana('FUNC:coreg', 'sn', subj_number, ...
'rtm', reference_image_option, ...
'prefix', prefix_for_functional_files)
- This process only estimates a transformation matrix. So, no reslicing. The registration is a rigid transformation (3 x,y,z translation parameters and 3 rotation parameters; overall 6 params).
7. Replace the Transformation Matrix of Functional Images
- Finally, all the functional data aligned to the mean image needs to be adjusted, so it has the same affine transformation matrix as estimated in step 5. To replace the transformation matrix estimated in step 6 in the functional images of each session. This step only changes the transformation matrix in the header of the .nii files. Thus, again, no reslicing.
template_imana('FUNC:make_samealign', 'sn', subj_number, ...
'rtm', reference_image_option, ...
'prefix', prefix_for_functional_files)
- After this step, use fsleyes (or similar apps) to visually inspect the coregistration of functional images to the anatomical image. You can simply overlay the functional run on the anatomical image and play with the color profiles, contrasts, opacity, etc. to make this process intuitive.
8. Make Mask Images
- For the 1st level GLM you need to create mask image of the grey matter.
template_imana('FUNC:make_maskImage', 'sn', subj_number, ...
'rtm', reference_image_option, ...
'prefix', prefix_for_functional_files)
Freesurfer pipeline:
See Surface-based analysis for neocortex for details.