Method 1: Manual conversion


MRI datasets acquired at CFMM are stored in the CFMM DICOM Server. To access the data of a specific project, tipe PRINCIPAL^PROJECT-ID (e.g., DIEDRICHSEN^SMP) in the “Study Description” search field, then click Submit. You will see the list of datasets (i.e., participants, sessions…) collected for your study. Each dataset is identified by a Patient’s Name with a standard format YYYY_MM_DD_PROJECT-ID_SUBJ-ID (e.g., 2024_03_13_SMP1_100). In each dataset, MRI data are stored in the DICOM format (.dcm). **You don’t need to download the datasets from the CFMM DICOM Server to perform the conversion to Nifti (.nii).

First step: cfmm2tar

DICOM to Nifti conversion involves two steps (cfmm2tar and tar2bids). Both can be run from the terminal of the CBS server.

1) Log in into the CBS server. See this guide to access the CSB server for the first time.

2) Open the Terminal

3) Run the following command:

singularity run /srv/containers/cfmm2tar_v1.0.0.sif <out_dir>

<out_dir> is the directory where cfmm2tar puts the output data. You can use /local/scratch as an output directory for cfmm2tar, but always remember to clean the directory when you are done.

You can add flags to cfmm2tar to perform this step on a specific project or dataset. With the flag -p <PRINCIPAL^PROJECT-ID> you can input to cfmm2tar all the datasets beloning to a specific project:

singularity run /srv/containers/cfmm2tar_v1.0.0.sif -p <PRINCIPAL^PROJECT-ID> <out_dir>

With the flag -n <PARTICIPANT-ID> you can input a specific dataset by using the “Patient’s Name” field in the CFMM DICOM Server:

singularity run /srv/containers/cfmm2tar_v1.0.0.sif -n <Patient's Name> <out_dir>

cfmm2tar will create a .tar and a .uid file in the output directory.

Second step: tar2bids

After you have created the .tar and .uid file with cfmm2tar, the second step involves creating the BIDS repository with the .nii file. Run the following command in the Terminal:

singularity run /srv/containers/tar2bids_v0.2.4.sif -h <project-id> -o <out_dir> <filename>.tar

<filename> is the name of the .tar file created by cfmm2tar in the previous step. <out_dir> is the directory where tar2bids puts the Nifti files. One possibility is to set /local/scratch/BIDS as <out_dir>. <project-id> is a Python script with the information needed to convert functional runs from DICOM to Nifti. If your project is new and you don’t have a heuristic file yet, see the next paragraph to learn how to create one.

Heuristic files

This is an example code for a heuristic file:

import os
import numpy
from cfmm_base import infotodict as cfmminfodict
from cfmm_base import create_key

def infotodict(seqinfo):
    """Heuristic evaluator for determining which runs belong where
    allowed template fields - follow python string module:
    item: index within category
    subject: participant id
    seqitem: run number during scanning
    subindex: sub index within group

    info = cfmminfodict(seqinfo)

    task = create_key('{bids_subject_session_dir}/func/{bids_subject_session_prefix}_task-task_run-{item:02d}_bold')
    task_sbref = create_key(

    fmap_sbref = create_key('{bids_subject_session_dir}/fmap/{bids_subject_session_prefix}_dir-{dir}_epi')

    info[task] = []
    info[task_sbref] = []
    info[fmap_sbref] = []

    for idx, s in enumerate(seqinfo):

        if ('1.8iso_AP' in (s.series_description).strip()):
            if (s.dim4 == 1 and 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip()):
                info[task_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id})
            elif (s.dim4 > 200):
                info[task].append({'item': s.series_id})

        elif ('1.8iso_PA' in (s.series_description).strip()):
            if (s.dim4 == 1):
                # if 'SBRef' in (s.series_description).strip():
                info[fmap_sbref].append({'item': s.series_id, 'dir': 'PA'})

    return info

The variable s points to a spreadsheet that you can find in /local/scratch/BIDS/code/tar2bids_YYYY-MM-DD_XXhXXm_ZZZZ/heudiconv/PARTICIPANT-ID/info/dicominfo.tsv. To create the heuristic file for your project, you need to edit the example above by using the information contained in the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains a row for each .dcm file included in the dataset. Each column contains information about .dcm files some. For example, in the case of the project to which the above heuristics belong, the column “series_description” contains the substring “1.8iso_AP” in functional runs, in which the column “dim4” contains a number >200 (which corresponds to the number of volumes collected in each functional run). You can create the spreadsheet by running tar2bids without the -h flag on the first dataset you collect:

singularity run /srv/containers/tar2bids_v0.2.4.sif -o <out_dir> <filename>.tar

This will create the dicominfo.tsv spreadsheet inside <out_dir> in the path specified above.

Gradcorrect (highly recommended for 7T scans)

After you have a BIDS repository with the Nifti files, run the following command:

singularity run /srv/containers/khanlab_gradcorrect_v0.0.3a.sif <bids_dir> <out_dir> participant --grad_coeff_file /srv/software/gradcorrect/coeff_AC84.grad

<bids_dir> must correspond to <out_dir> input to tar2bids. The participant argument must be passed as it is, it is NOT the PARTICIPANT-ID. As <out_dir> in gradcorrect you can put /local/scratch/BIDS_gradcorrect. Inside <out_dir> gradcorrect puts several files and folder, including a sub-XX folder with three folders inside: anat, func and fmaps. These three folders contains the Nifti files output by gradcorrect. <template_imana.m> from <spmj> needs these three folders to be into /project_directory/BIDS/sub-XX/.

Method 2: automatic conversion through autobids (Currently unavailable)

Autobids is a pipeline maintained by the Khan lab that transforms the raw imaging data from DICOM (Properiatary Siemens format) to nifti files, renames them in BIDS standard, and applies gradient nonlinearity correction to the images as appropriate (gradcorrect).

Gradcorrect which calls gradunwarp, adapted from the workflow used in HCP data correction.

Steps for getting your data into BIDS format:

  1. Study Registration:
  2. Autobids Autherization:
    • Have your PI add ‘bidsdump’ to the list of users who can access the study’s data on the CFMM dicom server
  3. Globus Setup:
  4. Data Downlaod:
    • Once your study is registered with autobids and you collect new data, your study specific pipeline will be applied and the data will be available on Globus for you to download.
    • Login to globus and navigate to the “COLLECTIONS” tab. You should see your BIDS converted data shared with you.
    • “autobids_study_{name}type{type}” is the folder that contains the BIDS converted data.
    • Collection type is provided in both “rawdata” (DICOM to Nii converted and renamed to BIDS format) or “derivedata” (DICOM to Nii converted, renamed to BIDS format and gradcorrect applied).